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¿Por qué Directual?

Frequently asked questions

What is Directual?
What is Directual?
Directual is a full-stack no-code platform perfect for building projects of any range: from basic MVPs to enterprise-grade products. It’s helpful in creating internal apps, high-load products, mobile apps for both iOS and Android, Web3 dApps, and AI-based products.
How does Directual differ from traditional programming?
How does Directual differ from traditional programming?
Directual has the same flexibility, complexity, and scalability of traditional programming, with a few key differences. Visual interface allows anyone to start building software without programming knowledge, it’s much faster to deploy, and, as a result, cheaper - as you only need one person to build an app, and not a team of developers.
Can Directual be used to scale apps beyond the MVP stage?
Can Directual be used to scale apps beyond the MVP stage?
Yes, and it is backed up by our customers that praise Directual for this first and foremost. The platform is cloud-hosted on AWS, and the internal data exchange structure was designed precisely to handle high loads.
How can no-code help build Web3 projects?
How can no-code help build Web3 projects?
No-code platforms help non-technical users join the Web3 frontier and create their own products. Crypto on its own is fairly complex to begin with, and no-code simply removes the entry barrier. With no difficult code involved in the project creation, testing and deploying blockchain apps is far easier and faster.
What is the difference between Directual and Bubble?
What is the difference between Directual and Bubble?
In short, the main difference is the also the main reason why Bubble users look elsewhere: scalability. Bubble is great when it comes to eye-candy: beautiful interfaces are easy to build. However, as soon as the app reaches scalability stage, things start to slow down. Directual, on the other hand, excels at scalability without losing in the looks department either, especially with some fine-tuning. On top of that, Directual and Bubble make quite the power couple, as they can be integrated together!
Can I build an app for the AppStore/Google Play on Directual?
Can I build an app for the AppStore/Google Play on Directual?
Yes, but with some caveats involved. As of now, Directual does not support native app development, but cross-platform apps can easily be built on Directual—use it to create the backbone of your app and use the required iOS/Android wrapper for the app to be usable on either platform.
How to get started with Directual?
How to get started with Directual?
We’ve got an incredible academy available, with tons of learning materials helpful in learning Directual A to Z. Have a look, and get your journey started, with handy examples and template projects you can use to begin.
What can I integrate with Directual?
What can I integrate with Directual?
There are two approaches to the integration. The first approach is done with Webhooks and the API builder, with which you can make third party system calls (that push or pull data). The second approach utilizes our universal HTTP-request for custom data exchange and pre-made plugins with services already integrated with Directual (like OpenAI, Telegram, Web3-plugins, and others).
Can I get the source code from my Directual app?
Can I get the source code from my Directual app?
No, since the platform architecture does not generate code for every single app.
Why should I choose Directual over so many other no-code platforms?
Why should I choose Directual over so many other no-code platforms?
Apart from flexibility and tons of integrations, Directual’s strongest suit is scalability. Whereas other no-code platforms will start to perform slower under increasing load, Directual will easily scale your project up and keep it running smoothly. On top of that, it’s well-tailored for Web3 development, AI tools, and it’s fully compatible with traditional coding approaches.
Can traditional coding be used together with Directual?
Can traditional coding be used together with Directual?
Of course! If you’ve got the skills in relevant programming languages, you can build truly amazing projects and customize the parts of the project as you see fit. For example, Directual and ReactJS are believed to be a perfect match.
What is the difference between Directual and website building platforms, like Wix and Webflow?
What is the difference between Directual and website building platforms, like Wix and Webflow?
The purpose is the difference. Website builders help you build just that - websites, beautiful and responsive as they are. However, you won’t be able to build literally anything and make it work—that’s where Directual’s full-stack platform comes in. Not to mention OpenAI and Web3 integrations—the world is your oyster.
How is Directual different from other Web3 platforms?
How is Directual different from other Web3 platforms?
Directual combines the best of both worlds: centralized and decentralized development. Basically, you can create fully blockchain-capable apps on Smart contracts while still enjoying centralized features like analytics and integrations with other services. Web3 platforms often lack functionality of similar sort, limiting their usefulness in the long run.
What project can I create on Directual?
What project can I create on Directual?
Any project (just about). Thanks to scalable databases, API builder, tons of integrations, and visual web page builder, you can go as far as you’d like to, save for tech giant projects like Facebook. With Web3 and AI integrations in hand, you can create truly awesome apps and deliver incredible value to your customers—all at a fraction of a price and time spent.
Where and how are Directual apps hosted?
Where and how are Directual apps hosted?
You can choose between a private or public cloud-based hosting option, with an additional ability to pick the geographical location of the server.
Where can I find Directual developers to hire?
Where can I find Directual developers to hire?
Join our cozy community! Discord group, Facebook, and Telegram groups would be a great place to start.
Can I host Directual locally?
Can I host Directual locally?
No, at least not yet. If privacy is your concern, you can use private cloud to host your app.
What happens if Directual goes bankrupt?
What happens if Directual goes bankrupt?
In the extremely unlikely event of Directual becoming unable to function as a platform, it will be become open source (as it already partially is). You can learn more in our Terms of Service.
How does Directual handle GDPR?
How does Directual handle GDPR?
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out detailed requirements for companies on collecting, storing and managing personal data. At Directual we recognize the importance of protecting your personal information when accessing and using Directual websites and services, and we are committed to processing it responsibly and in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
In accordance with the law we:  (1) specify the extent of personal information, legal framework and purpose of personal information processing; (2) provide customers' rights;  (3) bear responsibilities when processing personal information; (4) comply with organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of your personal information.
For more information on how Directual handles GDPR, please see our Privacy Policy.

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