Hello, folks! Only a true hermit didn’t hear of blockchain’s march across the world, and yet this topic is still shrouded in mystery. Questions pop up all over: what’s blockchain? How does it work? What’s web3? How does it all connect with Directual? Well, it connects… directly, hehe. In this short article, you’ll learn what blockchain and web3 are, and how you can build your own blockchain products on Directual!
TL;DR: you can use Directual to build your own blockchain products on web3! Soon, you’ll be able to do even more!
What are blockchain and web3?
First things first: what is this web3? And blockchain? In layman’s terms, web3 is the evolution of how the internet works.
In the beginning, there was Web 1.0 - pretty much read-only pages, most of which would resemble a Wikipedia article. The consumer read the data and that really is it. Then, came Web 2.0 - the same drill but now the websites exchange data with the consumer. We log in, upload stuff, do things, and the websites collect our data (to do whatever they want with it). Web3, the next step forward, takes back control of your own data and how it’s traced. The whole structure behind data transfer is governed not by companies like Facebook but by Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, with no censorship and ulterior motives - with proper democracy.
Now, the blockchain. A block is just a bunch of data that must be verified through hashing in order to prove its authenticity. Hashing (a-la mining) is a rather complex process that ensures the complete security of the data you own. When it comes to financial transactions, hashing the blocks creates a chain with the links (a-la blockchain) that couldn’t be faked or replaced without doing the entire hashing process again.
Web3 is all about secure, digital ownership of data. You may know what NFT is, and if you do, that’s also Web3.
What can you do with web3?
A lot of things. Businesses all over begin to use blockchain to offer new services, products, and on top of it all, enhanced security of data ownership. Here’s a shortlist of things you can do with blockchain technology:
Financial services (which by far are the most popular in the industry - wallets, crypto-currency transactions, etc)
Fake-proof product identification
Carpooling services
Digital asset marketplaces (hello NFT!)
Automated smart-contract fulfilment (anything that requires proof of ownership, really - insurance, gambling, etc)
The main challenge, of course, is always the know-how. This is a young industry that is just beginning its journey. It’s difficult to find season experts who know what they’re doing, and when you do find them, the price of the matter is incredibly high.
That brings us back to you…and then back to us again!
Directual and web3
So many things you can do with your own hands! You can pretty much build an entire product from the ground up that operates on blockchain. With some knowledge of Directual, building a wallet, transaction framework, and contract fulfillment (coming very soon) is a breeze to accomplish.
What’s more, you can stack some more good back-end features on top of it, such as an admin panel, UIs, notifications, chatbots, etc. Not to forget the front-end: you can also make it look pretty, all without having to resort to any other extra tools.
Here’s a list of things you can build in Directual by simply arranging logic blocks:
Parse and perform blockchain transactions
Get blockchain currencies exchange rates, live
Create an ETH wallet
See wallet balance
As of right now, we support Ethereum and Polygon (Matic) networks. Find the Ethereum L1/L2 plugin in your apps:
Yup, that’s the Ethereum L1/L2 plugin, and it works!
Thanks to the visual interface, building the logic core doesn’t require any in-depth knowledge of programming or coding (although it’s helpful — we won’t deny that):
We’ve also got a low-level API (here’s an example of how the code looks like) for cases when you’d like to work through Directual SDK and fine-tune your product development process even more.
What next?
The unstoppable march forward! We know for a fact that Directual can be the go-to platform for developing web3 blockchain projects, and aim to introduce support for NEAR, Binance Smart Chain, and Tron Network, along with NFT transactions support.
As for plugins, soon we’ll have Metamask and OpenWallet, which will allow you to build marketplaces on Directual that fully support authorization and payments.
Stay tuned for updates, or better yet, start building your own blockchain projects with Directual! If you’ve got any questions, we’ll be happy to help you out. Just shoot a message to hello@directual.com and let’s talk!
What is blockchain?
What is blockchain?
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding). Virtually anything of value can be tracked and traded on a blockchain network, reducing risk and cutting costs for all involved.
What is Web3?
What is Web3?
Web3 (also known as Web 3.0) is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics. Directual provides a wide range of no-code web3-features.
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Неполадки случаются постоянно, поэтому без системы управления инцидентами (IMS) отслеживание проблем превращается в настоящий ад. Этот гайд поможет вам разобраться с ситуацией правильным образом.
Откажитесь от кода и присоединяйтесь к революции low-code/no-code! Получите возможность быстрой разработки приложений, автоматизации процессов и инноваций, не прилагая особых усилий (и не превышая бюджет). Перетаскивание, создание и возможность удивлять с помощью простого способа создания кастомных приложений.
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